Texas A&M Round Rock Campus
Health Science Center

The 130,000 SF, four-story Texas A&M Health Science Center was the first building on the 50 acre Round Rock campus.

The design was completed in less than 6 months from the initial Client meeting to the issue of construction documents. This fast-track design process allowed the project to be completed both on time and under budget.
The building holds technology-rich educational and clinical spaces such as distance learning labs and networked lecture halls which coexist with living room style alcoves that encourage informal gathering for medical and nursing students.
The building holds a medical simulation center which contains both a simulated clinic and a simulated hospital. The environment is designed to suspend a sense of reality to train students to have a heightened awareness and familiarity in a hospital-like environment. The hospital portion of the simulation center includes an Operating Room /Trauma Room, a labor and Delivery Room, Nursery and scrub instruction space.